Please note you have to be a licensed ESTHETICIAN OR COSMETOLOGIST to enroll in our training. In Colorado, It is illegal to perform beauty services without a license.

Becoming certified in advanced esthetics can make a difference in your success, clientele base, and personal level of confidence. Learn from the best colorado has to offer!

I am ready to enroll.

We are honored that you chose our program to advance your skills and career. We can guarantee you will not be disappointed. To begin the registration process, we need you to click the button below or email

We need the following items to enroll you in the course

-Full Name (Name that will appear on the certificate)

-Course Name and Date

-Copy or picture of State ID (Must be over the age of 18)

-Copy of Esthetician or Cosmetologist License (required by the state)


I would like more information.

No problem! We are happy to help with getting you any additional details you need. Want to chat on the phone or in person? Let us know. Please reach out by clicking the button below, emailing, or calling 303-704-4615 . If we do not answer, please leave a voicemail for a callback.

Curious About Other Student’s Experiences?

Here are some testimonials from previous students at Mile High Modern Beauty Academy